Our planet. Our priority.
As an organization, Wajax is committed to being the best environmental steward it can be. With an array of environmental management protocols and best practices in place, we’re continuously making progress at reducing our environmental footprint.
Some sites and operations carry a greater environmental impact – we recognize that, and are always looking for ways to improve. We’ve made it our priority to actively take steps to manage and reduce those impacts across all industries.

From standardized procedures and training, to environmental audits and corrective action tracking, environmental stewardship is becoming more embedded in our operational DNA every day. Each of our branches has environmental profiles, helping us understand our impacts individually, as well as an organization as a whole.
With a centralized system in place for tracking key sustainability and environmental metrics, we can better understand our footprint and, how to minimize it.

- Energy usage
- Greenhouse Gasses (GHG)
- Hazardous/Non-Hazardous Waste
As good environmental stewards, we commit to lowering
the energy intensity and waste of all our operations.