
Can-Ross Environmental Services Ltd. is the leading provider of superior spill control products in Canada. They serve Canada’s most dynamic business with top quality spill control products and services. They provide security and peace of mind by identifying risk and providing solutions to these risks which will assist with regulatory compliance.
The purpose for Can-Ross being in business is to care for their customers’ needs before, during and after delivery of product and services, and do that better than any other company in their industry.
Their strategy is to extend its leading position in the MRO spill control market in Canada while extending its position of market leadership to Response Organizations, Waste Management Contractors, Federal and Provincial Government Agencies and Catalogue Houses. At the same time, Can-Ross will continue to enhance their reputation and position nationally and internationally as “The Leader in Providing Superior Spill Control Products & Services”
Can-Ross plans is to grow annually through the greater penetration of the market segments they know best. They will continue to add to their professional sales force, which is the largest and best spill control sales organization in Canada. They will continue to use unparalleled customer service to serve the quality and delivery needs of their customers and will continue to penetrate large markets where they are not yet represented.
To accomplish this strategy, they will continue to attract, train and retain the most talented and customer-conscious employees in the industry.
Can-Ross Products